Wednesday, May 23, 2012

This picture of an angel was actually quite tough to draw because I didn't quite know what to put in the background. And then once I drew everything I then didn't know what to color. The wings were also a challenge because I really don't know what angel wings are supposed to look like. But I guess the whole point of drawing is too just draw and if you don't like it then redraw it or throw it away. I did neither of those instead I put it on here and I don't know why because I really don't like my drawing, I just liked the idea of drawing an angel.

I drew this drawing because this guy is trying to capture the beauty of the sunset on a beach.What is really interesting about this drawing though is that this guy is not actually at the beach, but he is looking at the beach through some kind of doorway or archway. I don't know what caused me to draw this, but it just seemed cool to draw something that people are not used to seeing.It is kind of confusing to look at this picture because you don't really know what to think, anyone can view it differently.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I was inspired to draw this because of Zedlav Asile's blog. I enjoy her artwork and by seeing one of her drawings I got this idea of a skull and bones in my head to draw. It was difficult to add color to this drawing because skeletons are pretty much black and white. I think that I could of maybe added a little bit more color to the background or maybe decorated the letters better, but I am sorry cause I didn't. Maybe next time.

I saw a really cool butterfly the other day and so I decided to draw some butterflies, but I did not quite know what to put them with. I also really enjoy playing the guitar so i thought that maybe i could somehow combine the butterflies with the guitar so I ended up drawing this picture.

I drew this drawing in remembrance of the Twin Towers and those that lost their lives. I drew the flag and the Statue of Liberty to represent that we have such a great life here in America. And sometimes we might not realize that it could easily be a lot worse, especially in other countries.

I hope you enjoy this drawing of Ms. Panda Bear that has never seen a human before. It was kind of hard to draw her face in awe. I have never drew a panda before so I tried and this is what i got. I had this crazy idea to draw a panda because they are awesome animals. I didn't know what to color so I colored the bamboo leaves and added some brightness in the background. My next drawing is on the way.

This drawing is a piece of work that I drew a long time ago and I recently found it so I thought I should maybe put on here because it is a good example of the power of color. I actually drew it while I was bored in class one time.

I really don't know what caused me to draw this drawing, but i just started drawing and this is what turned up. Probably the reason behind it, is that I just started thinking about all the wars and deaths in the past because of the human race not willing to get along. So this drawing kind of represents that we need peace in this earth.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

This is my most recent drawing and it is a really good example of the power of color and how the blue bandana shows life. I dedicate this drawing to Nate Dogg and all the great music he created. Even though he has passed away his music will always live on forever. R.I.P. NATE DOGG.

I really dont know what inspired me to draw this drawing, but I guess it shows that you can't stand around doing nothing all your life, but you have to get some fun in your life and enjoy it. thats why i drew the playground and swings cause without those two things my life would have been terrible growing up. I mean i have to admit that even now it is still fun once in a while to go and jump on the swings or go down the slides. haha

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

just thought that I should put this drawing up even though it has been a while since I drew it. what I liked most about this drawing was the watercolor background. it really brings liveliness to the flowers.

Sorry I'm kind of late getting drawings posted, but now I got my first one up. this drawing is one of my favorites that I have done because I really enjoy optical illusions cause you can never quite figure it out. I will try to get some more of my drawings posted soon.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Just look around, art is everywhere. When it comes to art, you can draw anything you want to draw, or I should say that you can create anything that you want. Every artist has their favorite style of art, and mine is graphite drawings. But something that I have really enjoyed was creating a graphite drawing and then adding a little bit of color in some areas. This really enhances the drawing and brings out areas that you want your audience to focus on. I don't have any of my artwork posted right now, but soon I will have a piece or two up and you can see what I mean by the Power of Color.